Communist Leftist NSA Leaker Reality Winner

She is also a BUTCH!

Update 6/10: She loves the Taliban and like Madonna, wanted to burn down the White House!

A Butch is a Lesbian in the male position of the relationship! Look at her hair style. It is a dead give away as to her sexual orientation!!

She is definitely one of these radical man hating Feminists.

Mark my words, in the coming days it will come out that she is a lesbian. Her lover(s?) will come forward saying how wonderful she is and the LGBT will come out in force to support her.

Masculine – having qualities or appearance traditionally associated with men, especially strength and aggressiveness.

Look at her shoulders and arms.

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Communist News Network (CNN) caught staging Fake News

Paul Joseph Watson | – CNN was forced to deny charges that they helped stage an Muslim anti-terror protest in London, but their excuse doesn’t stand up to scrutiny.

A video that emerged last night shows CNN reporter Becky Anderson organizing and directing a group of Muslims holding anti-terror signs the day after Islamic terrorists killed seven and injured nearly 50 in London.

Anderson ensures that the demonstrators are positioned perfectly before recording her piece to camera, during which she describes the scene as “wonderful”.

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Hide and Seek: Press Coverage of Bilderberg Highest Ever

Come out, Come out wherever you are: Bilderberg more exposed than ever before as Trump nationalism rises!

Kit Daniels | – News coverage of the Bilderberg Group hit record highs as the establishment media is forced to admit the true nature of the globalist gathering.

Remember it was only a few years ago that the mainstream media denied Bilderberg even existed.

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Jezebel Cries: Desperate Communist Democrats grabbing for Straws on the Sinking Ship!

Very bad acting by Kathy Griffin. Its all a Publicity Stunt because she is a dismal failure like Crooked Hillary.

First, If you pick a fight with someone who is way bigger then you are, be sure you can take a punch before you throw that first punch! Second, after you get punched back getting your A$$ kicked in the process, don’t whine and cry that YOU are the injured one when you started it! These Communist Leftists never cease to amaze and it is way better entertainment then watching a Cartoon, even the Roadrunner and Coyote. BTW, the coyote represents the Democrats in that they never learn either!

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Bilderberg Elite Hide Behind Walls While Pushing Open Borders

Luciferian Elite enjoy perimeter security while advocating borderless world One good bit of news is that two Luciferian Bastards will not be attending ever again! David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski are BOTH IN HELL right now never able to bother humanity again. However, the Demons that inhabited them are still around! Despite heavy attendance by … Click here to Read more

Miami Beach Mayor has no idea what is In Paris Accord

Just Parrots what other Stupid people Parrot!

InfoWars – Tucker Carlson exposed Miami Beach Mayor Philip Levine on his show Thursday night by simply asking him to explain the details of the Paris Accord.

“I’m just wondering how this specific agreement sending three billion dollars a year to countries like India and China, who don’t have to lower their emissions rates, is going to fix the global warming problem in Miami Beach?” Tucker asked.

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ISIS strikes at resort in Manila

25 injured as masked men open fire in restaurant area of tourist complex ISIS have claimed an attack at a popular tourist destination in Manila after masked men opened fire, injuring at least 25 people. There were reports of gunfire and explosions at Resorts World Manila in the Philippines capital as gunmen reportedly shouted ISIS … Click here to Read more

Bilderberg Luciferians meet and Scheme to Overthrow Trump

Elitists begin effort to reverse America-first revolution and Brexit

InfoWars – Sources close to the elitist Bilderberg Group conference tell Infowars that globalists see their agenda as being in “deep trouble” and that Donald Trump poses a “dangerous” risk to the international order and must be brought to heel or turfed out of office.

Over the years, Infowars has developed sources close to the conference who feed us information ahead of time as to the real agenda behind the confab, not just the vague list of topics released officially by Bilderberg.

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