Sodomy State to end ban on Communists holding Government Jobs

Now Nancy Polosi, Dianne Feinstein, Jerry Brown and the rest of the Commies don’t have to worry and can come out of the Communist Closet! SACRAMENTO – Being a communist would no longer be a fireable offense for California government employees under a bill passed Monday by the state Assembly. Lawmakers narrowly approved the bill … Click here to Read more

Training Spy’s to be Sexual Perverts at the Daniel Morgan Graduate School of National Security Spy School

Bizarre Sexual Abuse Scandal Alleged at D.C. Spy School

A graduate school for would-be spies faces a civil complaint from three young men who say they endured rectal exams and other sexual abuse from a school official with a largely fabricated spy resume.

The complaint in D.C. Superior Court offers a glimpse at the shadowy underworking of the Daniel Morgan Academy in downtown Washington. Funded primarily by the Diana Davis Spencer Foundation, the school purports to launch students into the fields of national security and intelligence.

Late last year, according to the complaint, the school suspended its special adviser to the president, Mark Levin, after several young male employees of the academy reported that Levin had sexually abused them.

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They are not Grrrrrreat anymore!

Kellogg’s Laying Off Another 278 Employees

Breitbart News – Troubled cereal giant Kellogg’s is continuing its reductions by shedding almost 300 more jobs, this time at facilities in New York.

A new round of layoffs was announced this week for New York, revealing that 278 employees will be losing their jobs at facilities in Batavia, North Syracuse, Johnson City, Binghamton, and Schenectady, the Democrat & Chronicle reported.

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FBI Email Exposes AG Lynch Promise to Protect Clinton from CRIMINAL CHARGES

Virtually unnoticed by the majority of corporate media, on Wednesday — in a hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee on the FBI’s oversight of an investigation of Hillary Clinton’s emails — Director James Comey revealed a murky effort as outlined in an undisclosed document by Attorney General Loretta Lynch or her associates to ensure the former presidential candidate would not be charged.

No matter what was divined during that investigation, this peculiar document apparently evinced the thwarting by Lynch and associates of any effort to hold Clinton accountable.

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U.S. Government Engaged in Weather Modification Since 1953

And when they got caught, Kay Bailey Hutchison introduced S.517 – Weather Modification Research and Development Policy Authorization Act of 2005 April 25, 2017 by Dr. Eowyn A recent article in New York Times Magazine of April 18, 2017, asks if it’s O.K. “to tinker with the environment to fight climate change”.Tinkering with the environment is … Click here to Read more

Herd of Pigs used by God to take out Muslim Jihadists?

Sometimes God uses animals and fish to get the attention of rebellious man. For instance, a donkey spoke to Balaam in Numbers chapter 22. A great fish, probably a whale, swallowed up the prophet Johan because he did not want to go to Nineveh. Ravens fed the Prophet Elijah after he ran for Ahab and Jezebel

Also, if man will not do God’s bidding, he can and will use inanimate objects.

Jesus said in Luke 19:40 ” And he answered and said unto them, I tell you that, if these should hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out.”

So referencing these scriptures, it is not to far out there to think that God used Pigs, which Muslims hate, to expose them and be the object of their demise!

Herd of Stampeding Wild Boars Kills Three Islamic State Jihadists  

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If a white ‘Christian’ did this at a Muslim conference would he be arrested or charged?

A Jihadi English Speaking Muslim threatens people on video, shows ALL his weapons, and Cops do NOTHING!

A Muslim man escorted out of a Christian Conference in South Dakota went out to the parking lot and filmed himself on Facebook Live, flashing multiple firearms, telling viewers they should be “terrified”. Police said he would not be arrested since “he wasn’t breaking any laws”.

Update: Muslim man arrested on terror charge after threatening Christians in Facebook video

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Scientist finds cure for Liberalism?

Being a Brain Dead Idiot may soon history only to be read about in history books! Experts excited by brain ‘wonder-drug’  – Scientists hope to stop all neurodegenerative diseases, including dementia Proverbs 26:3 “A whip for the horse, a bridle for the ass, and a rod for the fool’s back.” (BBC News) Scientists hope they … Click here to Read more

The Written Word

Cynthia Pawl April 18, 2017 The following article comes from the front page of Why a 7-Year-Old Girl Got in Trouble For Writing Her Name in Cursive April 17, 2017 by KATE SCHWEITZER When a teacher reprimands a student, you can safely assume the kid in question did something wrong. Maybe she pushed a … Click here to Read more