Communist Overlords Gather and Plan How to Combat Disinformation… ABOUT THEM!

This is the Great Reset, New World Order Minions making their plans to quell the rising up of the Serfs! You will obey your Overlords or else! Fighting ‘Information Disorder’: Aspen’s Orwellian Commission on Controlling Speech in America Written by Jonathan Turley  – The Aspen Institute has issued the results of its much heralded 16-person … Click here to Read more

Final 2020 Presidential Debate: I Don’t Want to Watch a Ballet, I Want to See a Street Fight

Update 10/23: Well, I have to say I am very surprised and must admit that Kristen Welker did a Fair Job as moderator. I have not checked, but I am sure her Communist Colleagues with Trump Derangement Disease are not happy at all. I am sure they will hate on her for being fair! I … Click here to Read more

Outnumbered Jezebel and Silly Women Harris Faulkner says they don’t Censor

Ole Newt Gingrich was certainly “Outnumbered” — by a Gaggle of High-minded Jezebel’s! 2nd Timothy 3:6-7  “For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts, 7 Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.” Fox’s Harris … Click here to Read more

Big Pharma is being Exposed!

The Pharmaceutical Narrative is Failing Bretigne Shaffer – So now we don’t have to listen to what those doctors said in front of the US Supreme Court, because it turns out that one of them has some whacky beliefs about sex with demons causing reproductive disorders. What a relief. I’m not going to pretend that the … Click here to Read more

The Censorship Dam Is Breaking

The Censorship Dam Is Breaking! More Doctors Speak Out The establishment cannot stop the flood of truth about to hit them Infowars presents another powerful montage of America’s Frontline Doctors speaking out against Big Tech censorship and the massive coronavirus cover-up. This time, Dr. Lisa Koche, MD is speaking out about COVID-19, internet censorship … Click here to Read more

Twitter Gestapo to Warn of Chi-Comm Virus Facts

Twitter To Censor COVID-19 ‘Conspiracy Theories’ With Warnings “These warnings will inform people that the information in the Tweet conflicts with public health experts’ guidance before they view it.” Steve Watson | Prison Planet – Twitter is to censor content relating to Covid-19 with warning labels if it does not comply with the guidance of … Click here to Read more

Communist Google Executive: Infowars and Alex Jones Will Soon Be Unsearchable On YouTube

Sen. Blumenthal had demanded to know why tech giant hasn’t censored 100% of videos related to Jones A Google executive claimed that Alex Jones and Infowars would soon be completely eradicated from its video platform YouTube. Speaking during a Senate hearing on Tuesday over its censorship practices, Google’s VP for Government Affairs & Public Policy … Click here to Read more

Big Tech under Fire for Censorship

60-Million-Strong Christian Group Targets Big Tech Over Censorship Organization gives ultimatum to remove legal protections given by Congress InfoWars – The National Religious Broadcasters group has sent out a final ultimatum to Apple, Facebook, Google and Twitter warning that if they don’t stop censoring Christian and conservative viewpoints, the NRB will lead its organization of … Click here to Read more

Social Media Giants Holding Secret Meeting to Meddle in November Elections

Only the Devils in control of Google, Youtube and other Communist run entities know what they are up to! Well besides GOD!! What it means the Ban button will have to be greased and water cooled because it will be RED HOT from now till November. They have started already as I notice in my … Click here to Read more

Sharing ‘Hate Posts’ Online could Lead to Six Months in Jail under Newly Proposed Rules in the UK

Chris Menahan | Information Liberation – The rulers of what many are now calling “Cuck Island” want to throw Brits in prison for sharing or commented on so-called “hate posts” on social media. Though the crime rate in culturally enriched Britain is skyrocketing and London saw a 44% jump in its murder rate last year, … Click here to Read more