Representative Eric Swalwell and His Chinese Whore Spy

Whether or not he had Sex with her is Classified Information!!   Tucker Carlson tells all about it in the Video below   Rep. Swalwell Called Trump a Russian Spy, His Fundraiser was a Chinese Spy Predictable. Daniel Greenfield | Front Page – Rep. Swalwell accused President Trump of being an agent of the Russians. … Click here to Read more

Communist Chinese Back the Marxist Terrorist Organization Black Lives Matter

Chinese State Media Outlet Throws Support Behind Black Lives Matter Posts cartoon of cops hunting down a black man. Paul Watson | Info Wars – Chinese state media outlet Xinhua has thrown its support behind Black Lives Matter with a cartoon that depicts police officers armed with pitchforks and torches hunting down a black man. … Click here to Read more

Ex-CIA Officer Arrested: Spying for China!

Former CIA Officer Arrested and Charged with Espionage DOJ – Alexander Yuk Ching Ma, 67, a former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) officer, was arrested on Aug. 14, 2020, on a charge that he conspired with a relative of his who also was a former CIA officer to communicate classified information up to the Top Secret … Click here to Read more

One of the Wicked Witch’s of the West Dirty Dianne Feinstein Loves the Chi-Comm’s

Feinstein Says China Is ‘Growing Into a Respectable Nation’ As it Continues Persecuting Christians, Muslims Remember Dirty Dianne employed a Chinese Spy as a driver for two decades. Jezebel and her husband made Millions as a result! Faith Wire – Despite China’s ever-expanding persecution of Christians and Muslims, Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) said Thursday the … Click here to Read more

The Luciferian’s don’t want you knowing this bit of Info

Fascist Book and the Chicom’s don’t want you seeing this News! I tried to share a news story recently on face book only to get this notice: I copied and pasted the article here on my website thinking it just might get through from a different domain. NOPE!! Same message as above. They are scared … Click here to Read more

Dirty Dianne Feinstein had a Chinese Spy Problem

Wicked Witch of the West, Dirty Dianne Feinstein, the Feminist Democrat Senator from the Sodomy State, had a Chinese Spy in her Office for Twenty Years He may have picked up on tidbits of sensitive conversations at moments the senator thought she could comfortably speak to colleagues and staff Zero Hedge – We can only … Click here to Read more