Iran Ayatollah says Muslims will take over the White House

Iranian Ayatollah: “Until we turn the White House into a Shiite Islamic center, we’ll all shout: Death to America!” The Camel already has its nose under the tent since the Muslim Obama was elected in 2008. There are two Jihadi Bitches that were elected in 2018 by really stupid people. Minnesota is a haven for … Click here to Read more

Muslims with Guns and Gas Bombs Storm a Catholic Church in Russia

An Official said the incident was under control in “just a few minutes”. He added: “Measures are being taken to identify the eliminated militants.  Two police officers and a churchgoer were killed as a result of Police response. Jihad Watch – The Islamic State recently called on Muslims in Russia to murder Christians “as a … Click here to Read more

Chrislam: Europe Folds to the Islamization of Christmas

Globalists erase Europe’s identity InfoWars – – The re-theologizing of Christmas is based on the false premise that the Jesus of the Bible is the Jesus (Isa) of the Koran. This religious fusion, sometimes referred to as “Chrislam,” is gaining ground in a West that has become biblically illiterate. This year’s Christmas season has … Click here to Read more