Communist Chinese Back the Marxist Terrorist Organization Black Lives Matter

Chinese State Media Outlet Throws Support Behind Black Lives Matter Posts cartoon of cops hunting down a black man. Paul Watson | Info Wars – Chinese state media outlet Xinhua has thrown its support behind Black Lives Matter with a cartoon that depicts police officers armed with pitchforks and torches hunting down a black man. … Click here to Read more

The Communist Party an Enemy of Humanity: Chinese Dissident Slams CCP During RNC Speech

‘It is terrorizing its own people, and it is threatening the well-being of the world’ The Communist Party is not just in China. It IS ALIVE and well here in America. It is disguised as the Democrat Party, and Democrats ARE Enemies of God, America and the whole World for that matter! The DNC Cesspool … Click here to Read more

Ex-CIA Officer Arrested: Spying for China!

Former CIA Officer Arrested and Charged with Espionage DOJ – Alexander Yuk Ching Ma, 67, a former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) officer, was arrested on Aug. 14, 2020, on a charge that he conspired with a relative of his who also was a former CIA officer to communicate classified information up to the Top Secret … Click here to Read more

Comrade Bill de Blasio’s False Facade

Mayor de Blasio Signs Police Reform Bills, Says Emptying Prisons Made NYC Safer Than Ever “You can feel the change coming!” New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio told a crowd gathered Wednesday afternoon, before a Black Lives Matter street mural in the Bronx, to celebrate the signing of legislation dubbed the NYPD Accountability Package, … Click here to Read more

America’s Re-Education Camps

SEATTLE DEMANDS UNDOING OF WHITENESS! by Rev. Austin Miles – Isn’t re-education or re-indoctrination camps exclusive to China and other Communists countries?  Not anymore.  Thunder-headed big-bottomed leaders in Seattle apparently believe that what is good for communists is good for Americans and are busy at work transferring Americans from stability to a future life under … Click here to Read more

China’s Great Wall Of Murder

China’s Great Wall Of Murder Ben Garrison – Many years ago I had a conversation with a man from China who had relocated to the United States. He was a talented artist who became art director at company that hired me to do commercial art on a contract basis. He was smart and spoke English … Click here to Read more

Chi-Comm’s Attack Secretary of State Pompeo

Communist Chinese Government Calls US Secretary Of State ‘Sinister’ Threat To World Peace Chinese propaganda machine claims that a US Army reservist brought the coronavirus to China from a US military lab NO…, It was Dr. Anthony Fauci and the OBAMA administration that sent it there and gave them $3.7 million to weaponize it! Origin … Click here to Read more

Fascist Book at it Again! Heavy Censorship about Words that make certain Countries look really bad!

Facebook To Issue ‘Warnings’ To Users Who Have Liked Or Clicked On ‘Coronavirus Misinformation’ Facebook is banning ‘conspiracy theories’ about the virus, as determined by someone who worked in the Wuhan bio-lab. Steve Watson | Prison – Facebook has announced that it will begin issuing warnings to users who have clicked on or liked … Click here to Read more

The Luciferian’s don’t want you knowing this bit of Info

Fascist Book and the Chicom’s don’t want you seeing this News! I tried to share a news story recently on face book only to get this notice: I copied and pasted the article here on my website thinking it just might get through from a different domain. NOPE!! Same message as above. They are scared … Click here to Read more

Wicked Witch of the West: Dirty Dianne Feinstein IS an Unregistered Agent for Communist China!

Dave Hodges | Common Sense Show – Please let me remind everyone of Trevor Louden’s work, Enemies Within, in which Trevor showed proof that many Democratic leaders belong to front groups for the world’s largest terrorist organization, the Muslim Brotherhood, and/or the American Communist Party. Dianne Feinstein loves communists. Senator Feinstein cavorts with communists. She … Click here to Read more