Why the Communist Democrats DON’T Want YOU in the Voting Booth!

The Real Reason Democrats are Pushing for Mail-In Ballots By Brian C. Joondeph, M.D. – Mail-in ballots are the latest talking point for Democrats and their media allies. They claim this will keep voters safe from the Wuhan virus, even though it is burning itself out quite nicely on its own. The surges in cases … Click here to Read more

Whatever You Do Sleepy Joe Don’t Debate Trump

Former Clinton Press Secretary Urges Biden “Whatever You Do, Don’t Debate Trump”  I have a solution. Since Joe is senile and deranged—CNN, MSDNC and the rest of the whining Sniveling Bastards are so butt hurt—let’s have a designated or pinch debater for these poor Communists. We do what to make it fair after all don’t … Click here to Read more

Democrats Paying Homeless for Voter Registration!

Four Men Found Guilty of Paying LA Homeless People For Signatures on Ballots and Voter Registration Forms Baxter Dmitry | News Punch – Four Los Angeles men have admitted to paying hundreds of homeless people cash and cigarettes in exchange for forged signatures on ballot petitions and voter registration forms in LA’s notorious Skid Row … Click here to Read more

RED ALERT: Full Attack Mode Needed Against the Communist Traitor Democrats

Roger Stone Issues New Emergency Message To Trump President Trump must not back down, but needs to go into full attack mode! Roger Stone joins The Alex Jones Show to issue a new emergency message to President Trump about going on the offensive to save his reelection.  

Nasty Nancy Pelosi and George Soros Cronies Desperately want Vote by Mail

That is so they can commit massive Voter Fraud. That is the only way these Communists can win, by cheating! Call your State and Federal Representatives and tell them HELL NO!! Nancy Pelosi: ‘In this Next Bill’ We Hope to Get Vote-by-Mail Breitbart News – U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Friday that vote-by-mail is … Click here to Read more

Massive Voter Fraud Potential in Wisconsin

Wisconsin Judge Orders Up to 209,000 Listings Purged from Voter Rolls — Finds 3 in Contempt, Orders Fines for Delay Well there is a reason it’s spelled Wis-Con-Sin!!! The liberals aren’t going to like this.  A Wisconsin judge has ordered that up to 209,000 names be purged from state voter rolls.  Any delay by the … Click here to Read more

Vote Fraud in Kentucky 2019

New Evidence Confirms Kentucky Election Fraud! Non-citizens being added to voter registration from DMV database Millie Weaver | Infowars.com – Just weeks before the Kentucky election, 175,000 purged voters were put back on the registration rolls after Democrat challenger Attorney General Andy Beshear sued to have the inactive voters reinstated. A recently released recorded phone … Click here to Read more

Sodomy State of California should have ALL Votes declared Invalid for allowing Illegals to Vote

Our Constitution permits only Citizens to serve in Congress (Art. I, §2, cl. 2 & §3, cl. 3); the President must be a ‘natural born Citizen’ (Art. II, §1, cl. 5); Article IV, §2, cl. 1 & §1 of the 14th Amendment refer to the “privileges and immunities of citizens”; and the 15th, 19th, 24th, … Click here to Read more

25 Million Dead and Illegal “Registered Voters” in 2016

Trump proven right: millions of dead and invalid voters not included in study showing 800,000 illegals for Hillary!

Kit Daniels  Prison Planet.com January 27, 2016

A study revealing that over 800,000 non-citizens voted for Hillary Clinton doesn’t account for dead and fraudulent voters, which accounted for over 25 million “registered voters” during the 2012 presidential election – and little has changed since then.

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