Hypocrite Democrats Urge Trump to Meddle in Hungary’s Elections

RonPaul Institute – There’s no hypocrisy like Capitol Hill hypocrisy. Congressional Democrats have been beating the dead horse of “Russian meddling” for nearly two years, obsessed with claims that “Russia hacked our democracy” and that a few Facebook posts from “Russia-linked” accounts are actually a massive Putin-led effort to make Americans lose faith in their … Click here to Read more

Socialism is the Future of the Democrat Party

Daily Caller – Democratic National Committee chairman Tom Perez praised socialist congressional candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez as “the future” of the Democratic Party on Tuesday. WATCH: Liberal radio host Bill Press said during a Tuesday interview with Perez that Ocasio-Cortez was able to take out longtime congressman Joe Crowley in the New York primary. Ocasio-Cortez campaigned … Click here to Read more

Border Patrol Agent Speaks out about Photo MSM is using to Promote a LIE

‘They’re using it to symbolize a policy, and that was not the case on this picture’ Dose the Fake News or those whom they DUPE Care this is all a Hoax and Fraud? Nope! Just like they don’t give a damn about those parents or the children. All they are are PAWNS being used by … Click here to Read more

The Pots are calling the Kettle Black?

The Swamp is draining slowly and the swamp creatures are fighting back!

Matthew 7:5 “Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s eye.”

President Trump brands Democrats ‘hypocrites’ over Russian links.

That is EXACTLY what they are, in addition; Traitors, Liars, Cheats, Thieves, Murderers and Pedophiles!  They are without a doubt Traitorous Jezebel’s and Judas’

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Can Any Good Thing Come Out of Chicago?

Shitcago has devolved into Americas Number One Cesspool under the leadership of that Crazed Lesbian Jezebel Lori Lightfoot!   7/4/22: Lightfoot’s Chicago: At Least 71 Shot Over July 4th Weekend  See Highland Park Killer Is A Deranged Democrat Who Worships Satan 7/4/2021: Chicago’s Bloody 4th of July Weekend: 92 Shot, 16 Fatally, 6 Children Among … Click here to Read more