9/11 Families: Evidence of Explosives found at site of Terror Attack

We’ve had engineers, architects and pilots question the government’s conspiracy theory about 9/11. Now, a group representing families of 9/11 victims, the Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry, has filed a 52-page petition with 57 exhibits of conclusive evidence that explosives were planted and detonated.

1983 CIA Document Reveals Plan to Destroy Syria for Oil

Although the Bible predicts the Destruction of Damascus and can’t be changed, the reason why is nefarious. Greed and the Murder of Christians is the likely reason! It is the same reason they cooked up the Osama Bin Laden lie to take over Afghanistan! The Taliban would not let a pipeline be built across Afghanistan! … Click here to Read more

Broward County Schools and Police Colluded to Shield Criminal Students

Clues about how Nikolas Cruz slipped through cracks are emerging Dan Lyman – Bombshell claims alleging collusion between Broward County law enforcement and the Broward school district to protect criminal students from arrests and disciplinary action have been leveled by a journalist familiar with the protocols in practice. According to information currently available, Parkland mass … Click here to Read more

False Flag Operation in Florida School: Second Shooter Reported in Florida School Massacre

The FBI Was Warned About A School Shooting Threat From A YouTube User Named Nikolas Cruz In September So why did they not do something? They did! They watched him and may have groomed him to carry it out or made him a patsy! DEMOCRAT Nicolas de Jesus Cruz Here are the facts you need … Click here to Read more

CNN Wants President to have a Heart Attack! Remember the CIA Heart Attack Gun?

MSM conditioning public for Trump’s “heart attack” Kit Daniels – CNN keeps predicting Trump will die of a heart attack, which brings to mind the CIA poison dart gun that can trigger one. Revealed by the Church Committee in 1975, the “heart attack gun” is a modified 1911 that can shoot a dart with a … Click here to Read more

Las Vegas Police Cover Up: Ban Independent Reporters from Attending Press Conference

It is Obvious from the last press conference, the Sheriff was distraught and confused. I believe he and his families live were threatened by the Controllers in the FBI and CIA! Inside Job by Don Henley Also see – Las Vegas Shooting Mystery: Injured Security Guard Disappears Ahead Of Planned Interviews, What Is Going On? … Click here to Read more

Ron Paul: Syria Chemical attack is a False Flag Operation

According to former Congressman Ron Paul, the chemical weapons attack in Khan Sheikhoun that killed 30 children and has led to calls for the Trump administration to intervene in Syria could have been a false flag attack.

Pointing out that the prospect of peace in Syria was moving closer before the attack, with ISIS and Al-Qaeda on the run, Paul said the attack made no sense.

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FBI undercover stings foil terrorist plots: Most are sting operations of the agency’s own making

Announcements of foiled terrorist plots make for lurid reading.

Schemes to carry out a Presidents Day jihadist attack on a train station in Kansas City. Bomb a Sept. 11 memorial event. Blow up a 1,000-pound bomb at Fort Riley. Detonate a weapon of mass destruction at a Wichita airport — the failed plans all show imagination.

But how much of it was real?

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CIA kept Russian cyber-attack techniques handy for false flags

Jerome Corsi | Infowars.com – March 7, 2017   WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Wikileaks “Vault 7” drop of CIA cyber-warfare documents contains the startling revelation that the CIA, under a project identified as “Umbrage,” maintained a substantial library of Russian cyber-attack techniques “stolen” from malware produced in other states including the Russian Federation.

This revelation yields a “through the looking glass” possibility that the Obama administration obtained FISA permission to conduct electronic surveillance on Russians believed to be coordinating with the Trump campaign based on intelligence the CIA planted to deceive the NSA into thinking there was actual contact between Russian agents and the Trump campaign.

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Traitorous Jezebel’s and Judas’

“It is the duty of every patriot to protect his country from its government” – Thomas Paine What we have in Government, in the Educational System, in Hellywood, in the Fake News Outlets, are a multitude of Ahab’s, Jezebel’s…….., the Traitorous Bitches and Bastards! And those Ahab’s and Jezebel’s are even  some YOUR own Family … Click here to Read more

Northwoods Document

Operation NorthWoods A plan to Shoot down American Passenger Plane and blame it on Cuba! Could this be the same thing that happened in the Ukraine on 7/17/14??? US PLANNED FAKE TERROR ATTACKS ON CITIZENS TO CREATE SUPPORT FOR CUBAN WAR From BODY OF SECRETS, James Bamford, Doubleday, 2001, p.82 and following. Scanned and edited … Click here to Read more