9/11: The Ultimate Inside Job And False Flag Operation

Ten Reasons Why 9/11 Was “The Ultimate Inside Job And False Flag Operation”


1. The Twin Towers at the World Trade Center did not come down as a result of passenger airplanes hitting them; rather they were controlled demolitions.

2. Building #7 was never hit by an airplane and was brought down by a perfectly controlled demolition as proven by several different videos of the engineered collapse.

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DHS Says Georgia Hack May Have Been Rogue Employee

Officials tell members of Congress the attack on state firewall could have been inside job

Lifezette  December 10, 2016 -The Department of Homeland Security told members of congress Friday that a rogue federal employee may have been responsible for a November hack-attack that targeted the Georgia secretary of state’s system, LifeZette has learned.

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Northwoods Document

Operation NorthWoods A plan to Shoot down American Passenger Plane and blame it on Cuba! Could this be the same thing that happened in the Ukraine on 7/17/14??? US PLANNED FAKE TERROR ATTACKS ON CITIZENS TO CREATE SUPPORT FOR CUBAN WAR From BODY OF SECRETS, James Bamford, Doubleday, 2001, p.82 and following. Scanned and edited … Click here to Read more