Don’t View this! You Can’t See This. Fascist Book Says You Can’t See This!

OBEY SHEPOPLE Fascist Book Working Overtime to Deny YOU the TRUTH The Gestapo will not allow a group of Medical Doctors video to be viewed by you. Why is that?  It is really not surprising as they are in bed with big pharma, and the Luciferian’s who want slaves instead of free people! Here is … Click here to Read more

Fascist Book at it Again! Heavy Censorship about Words that make certain Countries look really bad!

Facebook To Issue ‘Warnings’ To Users Who Have Liked Or Clicked On ‘Coronavirus Misinformation’ Facebook is banning ‘conspiracy theories’ about the virus, as determined by someone who worked in the Wuhan bio-lab. Steve Watson | Prison – Facebook has announced that it will begin issuing warnings to users who have clicked on or liked … Click here to Read more

Ray Gano: I think Facebook Tagged Me as an Agent of Hate

Welcome to the Club Ray!!! Ray Gano – Just the other day I go the following message from one of my Facebook friends … “Wow, I went onto your fb page for the first time in a while and am now being blocked from even clicking Like on other’s posts. Tried to post a YouTube … Click here to Read more

Attention President Trump: Action Plan to Save the Internet Delivered to President

Action Plan To Save The Internet Delivered To Trump If you are of the ILK that says this does not effect you, then you are a DUMBASS and are a part of the PROBLEM! Best you read this and take it to heart! The Rat The Pig The Chicken and Cow Alex Jones, constitutional lawyer … Click here to Read more

Sucking the LIFE out of TRUTH!

The left wants a monopoly on what they perceive to be the ’truth.’ Ben Garrison – By censoring Alex Jones, Paul Joseph Watson, Laura Loomer, and Milo Yiannopoulos, Facebook has made it plain that they can’t deal with people telling Americans the real truth. The Silicon Valley social media and the Deep State corporate media want … Click here to Read more

Social Media Giants Holding Secret Meeting to Meddle in November Elections

Only the Devils in control of Google, Youtube and other Communist run entities know what they are up to! Well besides GOD!! What it means the Ban button will have to be greased and water cooled because it will be RED HOT from now till November. They have started already as I notice in my … Click here to Read more