Could it be that Canadian Soy-Boy Punk Justin Trudeau is a Bastard Spawn of Communist Fidel Castro?

They sure look alike! Justin Trudeau is a Bastard Spawn of some Communist! Like Castro, Canadian prime minister has transformed his country into a dictatorship — but there are other more compelling similarities. And if you did not know, the Sins of a Father are handed down to his offspring! Its where the saying “Like … Click here to Read more

Bolshevik Bernie Sanders: Once a Filthy Communist, ALWAYS a Filthy Communist!

That is—unless one gets Truly Born Again!  2nd Corinthians 5:17 “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” Bolshevik Bernie Sanders’ Economic Bill of Rights Taken Nearly Verbatim From Stalin’s 1936 Soviet Constitution Elizabeth Vaughn | – On Wednesday, … Click here to Read more