Food Inflation Hitting Hard and Gallon-Sized Cans of Food Showing Up Early?

Raymond Mhor – More than four in ten Americans have been forced to cut back on everyday habits and items, including the number of groceries they purchase due to inflation. Food costs are rising and continue to rise. The cost to eat at a restaurant is up 10.4 percent. And get this, food costs for … Click here to Read more

Lack of Fertilizer WILL Affect The US Food Supply Chain – What You Can Do To Prepare

Raymond Mhor – It is August 2022, the US food supply chain is in a crisis right now. Much of this has to do with a number of factors: We are still rebounding from the Covid 19 Pandemic Massive drought in food producing areas in the US Skyrocketing fertilizer prices Over worked food supply chains … Click here to Read more

Doomsday Document From 2020 Proves Globalists Planned Out Their Mass Murder Long Game Food Armageddon

These Days Were Awaiting Us Like A Ticking Time Bomb – Their Plans To Wipe Out The Meat Industry Were Fully Documented As Well  By Stefan Stanford – All News Pipeline – Live Free Or Die This important story over at the Epoch Times published July 1st titled “‘Doomsday Document’ Predicted Food Shortages Two Years Ago” holds … Click here to Read more

One Of The Largest Chicken Producers In America Announces Shutdown Of Its Tennessee Plant

Yet another blow to the US food market, one of the country’s top ten largest chicken producers has announced that it will be shutting down its plant in Campbell County, Tennessee. Niamh Harris | News Punch – The GateWay Pundit reports: According to WVLT-TV, George’s Inc.: Poultry and Prepared Foods announced it will close one … Click here to Read more

The Planned Starvation Event Is Now in Motion

It’s on track (pun intended) and they have throttled up knowing the track is out ahead! Grain deliveries by rail to be partially HALTED, devastating dairy herds and meat operations nationwide! Natural News – Today’s Situation Update reveals worrisome new intel that describes Joe Biden’s “controlled demolition” of the US food supply as a means … Click here to Read more

Global Food Supply Collapse: Multi-Dimensional Planned Disaster

Add to the following article, written on November 2021, the Russia/Ukraine War and it is more clear what is afoot! Just this morning, 3/8/22, Drudge has a headline of $300 a barrel oil! We Will see $7-$10 a gallon fuel. That will translate to severe food shortages, and IF you can get it, you won’t … Click here to Read more

Heads Up Homesteaders and Preppers: They are Setting the Stage to Come After your Poultry!

Don’t Worry, Be Happy, Fret Not, go about your business! Why? Because your saviors like Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, Dr. Death Fauci, and the rest of kingdom of darkness will come up with a plan to Save YOU! Highly lethal bird flu found in Kentucky and Virginia flocks raising fear of wider outbreak in poultry … Click here to Read more

Guess Who is Advising their Citizens to Stock Up Food

It sure isn’t the Loving Folks in Washington DC!   China Reportedly Urging Its Citizens to Stock Up on Daily Necessities In Case of an Emergency! Joe Hoft | Gateway Pundit – The China government is reportedly encouraging their people to stock up on daily necessities in case of an emergency.    Reuters reports: The … Click here to Read more

Sheepeople YOU Best Get Ready to FREEZE and STARVE this Winter

Unless you have been heeding the warnings and have taken steps to PREPARE! This Winter, We Could Potentially Be Facing Simultaneous Shortages Of Oil, Natural Gas, Propane And Coal Michael Snyder | The Most Important News – I realize that the headline that I have chosen for this article may sound a bit wild to … Click here to Read more

The Supply Chain is Collapsing Across America

The planned collapse of America is underway and “Resident” Biden is going to manage to ruin the holidays! Listen to this quick 4:44 video   Jon Bowne | News Wars – The economy, much like the global supply chain, is showing signs that it may be about to come to a grinding halt. China ran … Click here to Read more