More proof McMaster is a Closeted Muslim Jihadist

H.R. McMaster Endorsed Book that Advocates Quran-Kissing Apology Ceremonies

Breitbart TEL AVIV — A book on terrorism endorsed and touted by H.R. McMaster, the embattled White House National Security Adviser, calls on the U.S. military to respond to any “desecrations” of the Quran by service members with an apology ceremony, and advocates kissing a new copy of the Quran before presenting the Islamic text to the local Muslim public.

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Traitor McMaster, Soros Secretly Working Together to Stop Trump

McMaster leaking intel to Soros almost daily, says Israeli intelligence

Kit Daniels Prison  – National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster is an active operative of globalist billionaire George Soros, according to three separate domestic and foreign intelligence sources.

McMaster is a foreign intelligence agent for the multi-national combine controlled by Soros, which explains why he’s constantly running interference to President Trump’s agenda.

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Homosexual David Brock’s Media Matters bumping Weenie’s with McMaster

Homosexual David Brock and his band of Fellow Homos and lesbians love Wahhabi Muslim McMaster! Liberal Anti-Trump Media Matters goes all in for Embattled Gen. McMaster Breitbart News – Media Matters for America, the George Soros-funded progressive activist organization, is praising Trump’s National Security Adviser, H.R. McMaster, for terminating some members of President Donald Trump’s … Click here to Read more