Trump Derangement Disease Has Fully Infected The Lunatic Democrats And Fake News Outlets

Wicked Witch Nasty Nancy Pelosi Will do ANYTHING to Stop SCOTUS Pick Maybe she will get her gaggle of Radical Feminist Witches, fire up a cauldron, and cast some spells! Jamie White | News Wars -House Speaker Nancy Pelosi hinted that Democrats may try to impeach President Trump again to stop him from nominating a … Click here to Read more

Maybe there is Hope for Atheist Bill Maher!

Maybe Hell froze over and Pigs do fly!! Matthew 19:23-26 “Then said Jesus unto his disciples, Verily I say unto you, That a rich man shall hardly enter into the kingdom of heaven. 24 And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than … Click here to Read more

Witch Rises Up Against Witch 

Disciples of Satan…, fire up your Cauldrons and let the Spell Casting begin! Dirty Dianne Feinstein Fed Up with Nasty Nancy Pelosi Delay Tactics on Articles of Impeachment. Update 1/10/20: Dianne Feinstein backpedals on telling Pelosi to end delay over impeachment trial If you don’t fight with them and just expose their Shenanigans, this will … Click here to Read more

Fake News 2019: The Years biggest Hoaxes and Trump Derangement Disease in Review

Most Humiliating Examples Of MSM Fake News, Pushing Hoaxes And Trump Derangement Syndrome From Establishment Media In 2019 By Susan Duclos – All News PipeLine In January 2019, Glenn Greenwald over at The Intercept did a fantastic job scathingly documenting “The 10 Worst, Most Embarrassing U.S. Media Failures on the Trump-Russia Story,” during President Trump’s … Click here to Read more

The Real reason for Impeachment is to Make Sure Hillary Clinton is President in 2020

They never thought that their Cabal would loose. Hillary was promised in 2008, when she bowed to the Muslim Obama, that she would be the first woman president in 2016. Cabal: the contrived schemes of a group of persons secretly united in a plot (as to overturn a government) Well, the globalists plans were thwarted … Click here to Read more

The upcoming Impeachment Trial of President Trump: Please don’t Throw Me into the Briar Patch!

This Impeachment Fiasco is like Br’er Rabbit saying “don’t throw me into the briar patch”! Folks, make no mistake about it — the LORD is in Control!! Luke 12:3 “Therefore whatsoever ye have spoken in darkness shall be heard in the light; and that which ye have spoken in the ear in closets shall be … Click here to Read more

Silly Woman Maxine Waters wants to Impeach Trump for saying Crooked Hillary

Desperate: Democrat Calls For Trump Impeachment, Claims Russia Fed Him The Term ‘Crooked Hillary’

Steve Watson Prison January 17, 2017 – A Democratic Congresswoman has called for Donald Trump to be impeached on the grounds that he coined the term ‘crooked Hillary’ in collusion with the Russian government, even suggesting that the Kremlin was feeding Trump such lines to use during his campaign.

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