Snopes Debunked on Claim New York Times Didn’t Collude With Hillary Clinton

Snopes, the left wing website that supposedly “debunks” fake news has itself been debunked after new Wikileaks emails revealed that the New York Times colluded with Hillary Clinton when she was Secretary of State. Back in October 2016, Snopes attempted to debunk our assertion that the New York Times had colluded with Clinton’s campaign by … Click here to Read more

Wayne Madsen: is a CIA operation

Facebook is going to use Snopes and other fact-checkers to combat and bury ‘fake news’.

Using Snopes as an authority is laughable. According to independent investigative reporter Wayne Madsen, “The so-called ‘fact-checking’ authentication website is the go-to website for CIA propaganda.”

From Madsen’s for-subscribers-only report of Oct. 7, 2016, “ the latest CIA addition to Internet disinformation“:

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