Covid-19 the Great Scamdemic Part 2

Enabling The Technocratic-Parasite-Class’ “Great Reset” In Part 1 we defined the UK State and looked at the driving forces behind its lockdown response to the World Health Organisation’s (WHO’s) declared COVID 19 “global” pandemic. Please read Part 1 first to appreciate the context of this article. It appears that COVID 19 has been exploited to … Click here to Read more

Covid-19 the Great Scamdemic Part 1

In This Together – Among many similar globalist states, The UK State is a public-private partnership between government, financial institutions, multinational corporations, global think tanks, and well funded third sector organisations, such as so called non governmental organisations (NGO’s) and large international charities. Through a labyrinthine structure of direct funding, grant making and philanthropy, the … Click here to Read more

Dr Anthony Fauci has been Mass Murdering for Decades and Needs to Go to Prison

New study finds countries with early access to hydroxychloroquine reduced mortality rate by 79% Info Wars – A new international study found that countries which had early access to the drug hydroxychloroquine had a 79% lower mortality rate than countries that banned the use of the safe malaria drug. As The Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft … Click here to Read more

Do any of You Feel like, let’s just say Fools Yet? You Should!

You have fallen for the BIGGEST HOAX since 911!  Jessie Smollett is an amateur compared to these Luciferian’s! Proverbs 23:9 “Speak not in the ears of a fool: for he will despise the wisdom of thy words.” W.H.O. Finally Admits Asymptomatic Coronavirus Spread Is ‘VERY Rare’ Coronavirus patients without symptoms are not the ones spreading … Click here to Read more

What do a Goat, a Papaya and a Pheasant have in Common?

Well, they all Tested Positive for Covid-19! Nope, it is not a joke or satire! Be very afraid of farm animals along with fruits and vegetables. If they are showing symptoms such as a fever, cough, looking to green or ripe, well you best run away and keep your distance from them. I suggest you … Click here to Read more

Origin of COVID-19 Discovered? China Now Admits To Secretly Testing Deadly Coronaviruses At Wuhan Facility

China Admits To Harvesting & Testing COVID-19-Like Coronaviruses At Wuhan Lab Obama’s NIH paid the Chinese weapons lab $3.7 million to conduct SARS-Coronavirus research Jamie White | Info – Documents obtained by the Daily Mail confirm that Communist China had been harvesting, developing, and testing novel coronaviruses on mammals using grant money from the … Click here to Read more

NIH Zinc Fact Sheet

National Institutes of Health describes the essential mineral’s role in immune function Introduction Zinc is an essential mineral that is naturally present in some foods, added to others, and available as a dietary supplement. Zinc is also found in many cold lozenges and some over-the-counter drugs sold as cold remedies. Zinc is involved in numerous … Click here to Read more

Oxford University Report On Documented Antiviral Effects Of Zinc In Human Body

Scientific studies suggest zinc compound may be effective against coronavirus Four studies from the University of Oxford, the American Society for Microbiology, the U.S. National Library of Medicine, and PLOS Pathogen outline the antiviral effects of zinc in the human body, including the immune system and respiratory system, and its efficacy against the common cold … Click here to Read more

Scientist Admits Vaccines Killing People

Top U.N. Scientist Admits Vaccines Killing People During ‘Vaccine Safety Summit’ Dr. Soumya Swaminathan publicly defended vaccine safety just days earlier Info Wars – A top scientists for the United Nations admitted in leaked video that vaccines are dangerous and are killing some individuals, just days after assuring the public that vaccines were one of … Click here to Read more