Admission that the China Plague was Created in a Lab!

Pfizer CEO Admits COVID-19 Created in Lab Jamie White | News Wars – Pharmaceutical executive covering for US government connection to gain of function research at Wuhan Institute of Virology.  Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla admitted that his company manufactured SARS-CoV-2 in their labs for the development of mRNA vaccines rather than use a naturally-occurring coronavirus. … Click here to Read more

The Commies at the W.H.O. Skip the Greek Letter that bares the Name of Xi Jinping in the Naming the New China Virus Variant

The World Health Organization announced Friday it was naming a new Covid-19 variant “Omicron,” skipping over the next ones in line Nu and Xi, which for the Commies, is a politically sensitive letter of the Greek alphabet. Why did they skip over Nu? Perhaps it is NOT a Variant and is a NEW plague they … Click here to Read more

Smoking Gun Documents PROVE Fauci Is A Liar And The Luciferian Plan

Fauci & Moderna Sent mRNA Coronavirus Vaccine Candidates to Wuhan Lab-Linked Doctor One Month BEFORE The COVID Outbreak Doctor infecting human tissue with bat viruses allowed to help create the “resolution” to the outbreak Kelen McBreen | Info Wars – Documents show Anthony Fauci’s NIH and pharma giant Moderna shared “mRNA Coronavirus Vaccine Candidates” with an … Click here to Read more

Globalist Stooge Joe Biden Again Warns of a Dark Winter

Deep State Code Words For A Bio-Warfare Attack Upon America Also take a look at this info! WHO is Watching the Watchers? Death Delivered To The Front Door Being Rolled Out In America By Stefan Stanford – All News Pipeline – Live Free Or Die With Democrats now in control of the national political apparatus … Click here to Read more

President Trump To allow Secretary of State Mike Pompeo To Present ‘Bombshell’ Evidence That COVID 19 Came From Wuhan Lab

Steve Watson | News Wars – In one of his last acts as President, Donald Trump is set to declassify ‘bombshell’ evidence linking the Wuhan Institute of Virology to the outbreak of COVID-19, according to a report. Trump’s outgoing Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is planning to stage an  ‘intervention’, outlining evidence that the coronavirus leaked … Click here to Read more

PROOF the China Virus Was a Plandemic Back in 2017

Proof That the Pandemic Was Planned With a Purpose Originally Posted at Stop World Control Also see Plandemic the Movie Medical doctors declare that the pandemic was planned A group of over 500 medical doctors in Germany called ‘Doctors for Information’ made a shocking statement during a national press conference: (1) ‘The Corona panic is … Click here to Read more

Fauci Receives Vaccine Royalties!

Covid19 House of Cards Collapsing: Fauci Called Out Over Vaccine Royalties “The problem is Anthony Fauci put $500 million of our dollars into that vaccine. He owns half the patent,” says Robert Kennedy Jr. NewsWars – Dr. Anthony Fauci, who’s been promoting a promised Covid-19 vaccine, owns half the patent to a vaccine and would … Click here to Read more

Fascist Book at it Again! Heavy Censorship about Words that make certain Countries look really bad!

Facebook To Issue ‘Warnings’ To Users Who Have Liked Or Clicked On ‘Coronavirus Misinformation’ Facebook is banning ‘conspiracy theories’ about the virus, as determined by someone who worked in the Wuhan bio-lab. Steve Watson | Prison – Facebook has announced that it will begin issuing warnings to users who have clicked on or liked … Click here to Read more

Origin of COVID-19 Discovered? China Now Admits To Secretly Testing Deadly Coronaviruses At Wuhan Facility

China Admits To Harvesting & Testing COVID-19-Like Coronaviruses At Wuhan Lab Obama’s NIH paid the Chinese weapons lab $3.7 million to conduct SARS-Coronavirus research Jamie White | Info – Documents obtained by the Daily Mail confirm that Communist China had been harvesting, developing, and testing novel coronaviruses on mammals using grant money from the … Click here to Read more

USA was Funding the Wuhan Bio-Weapon Lab in China!

It is also alleged that OUR Military may have had a hand in it!  ‘US Army Behind Covid-19 In Wuhan’: China’s Foreign Ministry Levels Bombastic Charge U.S. gave $3.7 million grant to lab at center coronavirus scandal Frances Mulraney | Daily Mail – The Chinese laboratory at the center of scrutiny over a potential coronavirus leak … Click here to Read more