Third London jihad murderer told Italian police: “I’m going to be a terrorist,” had no trouble entering UK

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“After the airport stop, Italy’s Internal Intelligence Service passed on details to the liaison officer for the U.K.’s foreign security agency — MI6 — in Italy, who also relayed the information to the U.K.’s domestic security agency MI5….After an argument, he left to live with his mother in Italy. At that point he began flying regularly between London and Bologna.”

Despite his statement and his jihad terror ties, he evidently had no trouble getting into Britain. Britain only keeps out foes of jihad terror.

“Third London attacker told Italian police: ‘I’m going to be a terrorist,’” by Giulia Paravicini, Politico, June 6, 2017:

The Moroccan-Italian man who has been identified as the third London attacker told Italian authorities “I’m going to be a terrorist,” when he was stopped at Bologna Airport last year, an Italian security official told POLITICO.

Youssef Zaghba, 22, was the third man shot dead by police during Saturday’s terrorist attack in central London. He had been notified to British and Moroccan authorities by Italian intelligence when Italian police intercepted him on 15 March 2016 at Bologna Airport with a one-way ticket for Istanbul, two officials said on condition of anonymity.

He was stopped because he looked “agitated,” one source said. When questioned by police at the airport about the reasons for his journey, he replied, “I’m going to be a terrorist.” He was carrying no luggage.

Police phoned his mother who, according to the source, said she had been worried about her son because he had talking about jihad. She told the Italian authorities that Zaghba was working in a Pakistani restaurant in London. The Italian authorities seized his phone and several sim cards but did not arrest him because he had not committed a crime. They did report him to the authorities in Bologna which began proceedings against him for terrorism offences.

In April 2016 the tribunal stopped the investigation cancelling the order under which Zaghba’s phone had been seized and denying permission for police to retain a copy of his contacts. The investigation found no evidence he had travelled to Syria.

After the airport stop, Italy’s Internal Intelligence Service passed on details to the liaison officer for the U.K.’s foreign security agency — MI6 — in Italy, who also relayed the information to the U.K.’s domestic security agency MI5.

The alert to the British authorities was a routine communication about a potential suspect, rather than an emergency red flag, according to the Italian security sources. His name was also added by the police in Bologna to the Schengen Information System — an EU security database.

Zaghba’s name was initially reported by Il Corriere Della Sera. It was later confirmed by the Metropolitan Police, although they said that formal identification had not yet taken place. “He was not a police or MI5 subject of interest,” a police statement said….

The family lived together in Morocco until 2015 when the parents got divorced. The son stayed with his father until January 2016. After an argument, he left to live with his mother in Italy. At that point he began flying regularly between London and Bologna….

Posted with permission from Jihad Watch.

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