Traitor and Weasel Peter Strzok works for both the FBI and CIA

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Both the FBI and CIA have played the American people for fools by not disclosing the fact that Peter Strzok is a double agent of the U.S. government and has been sheep-dipped by the CIA

By Shepard Ambellas – July 16, 2018

peter stzok fbi cia

Peter Strzok (James Ledbetter/Flickr)

WASHINGTON (INTELLIHUB) — A sheep-dipped Peter Strzok has been covertly operating as the Section Chief of the Central Intelligence Agency’s Counterespionage Group during his secret 24 year tenure with the agency while masquerading as Deputy Assistant Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Counterintelligence Division where he was in charge of investigating Hillary Clinton’s use of a personal email server along with the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections.

The bombshell information published first on reveals that the “joint CIA/FBI position was created by Congress in 1996” which allowed Strzok to hold both posts.

A unclassified document printed on FBI letterhead dated January 20, 2016, which contains the subject line “Supplemental Classification Review and Determination” was addressed to the Bureau of National Security’s Assistant Secretary Gregory B. Starr from Peter Strzok who is listed as “Section Chief” of the “Counterespionage Section” in reference to Strzok’s CIA post. Keep in mind, this is not an FBI post as Strzok’s position at the FBI is “Deputy Assistant Director Counterintelligence Division” not “Section Chief” which is a CIA post.

Special counsel Robert Mueller has assembled a team of 16 seasoned prosecutors


You can read the full document here:

FBI and State Letters Clinton Top Secret Emails by Jason Leopold on Scribd

November 18, 1996, Joint CIA-FBI Press Release on Arrest of Harold James Nicholson reveals “an unprecedented level of cooperation between the CIA and the FBI.”

According to the press release:

The CIA and FBI have implemented a number of reforms and new procedures at the CIA that are designed to detect the slightest of early warning signs of espionage. As a direct result of these reforms, anomalies were detected that ultimately led to the identification of Nicholson and his alleged espionage activities. These reforms include:

  • The Chief of CIA’s Counterespionage Group is a senior FBI official who has full access to CIA’s most sensitive counterintelligence data and is thus in a position to fully coordinate the joint efforts of both organizations.
  • The Chief of CIA’s Counterespionage Group is assisted by deputies from both the security and operational disciplines at CIA and has at least one FBI Special Agent on the Counterespionage Group staff full-time.
  • Section 811 of the Fiscal Year 1995 Intelligence Authorization Act requires immediate notification to the FBI whenever there are indications that classified information may have been disclosed without authorization to a foreign power.
  • The position of Associate Deputy Director of Operations/Counterintelligence was created to ensure high-level focus on the Agency’s counterintelligence and counterespionage effort. The Associate Deputy Director of Operations/Counterintelligence’s duties include full-time coordination with the FBI, currently including weekly meetings with senior FBI officials in the FBI’s National Security Division.
  • New training initiatives to enhance and improve counterespionge efforts have been undertaken.
  • Congress has provided increased resources for joint counterespionage efforts. 

The new revelations explain Strzok’s recent performance in front of the Special Counsel last week in which the sheep-dipped agent mocked the American people by smirking and acting a fool.

Source: Intellhub

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The Meat Section is the True Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The Milk Section is likened to those who will not preach on sin and Hell, just a feel good message, the Social gospel.

The Junk Food Isle is the outright false doctrine AKA the prosperity gospel, name it and claim it, the Hebraic Roots movement and other false teachings!!

Feasting on just Milk and Junk will eventually cause you great harm, you can count on it!!
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