Traitor McCain secretly travels to Syria to meet with ISIS and Saudi’s

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Via RT – On Wednesday, Julie Tarallo, a spokeswoman for McCain, confirmed that he’d made the trip, calling it a “valuable opportunity to assess dynamic conditions on the ground in Syria and Iraq.

Tarallo also praised President Donald Trump’s late January order to conduct a a 30-day review of US strategy to combat Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL), saying that “Senator McCain looks forward to working with the administration and military leaders to optimize our approach for accomplishing ISIL’s lasting defeat.

Defense Secretary Jim Mattis is now compiling a “preliminary plan” to comply with Trump’s order.

The unusual trip, which the Wall Street Journal said was organized with help of the US military, was the first time a US lawmaker has traveled to the region since American special operations forces began fighting alongside local forces.

McCain, who chairs the Senate Armed Services Committee, made a short trip to Syria to speak with Kurdish fighters and US troops about forcing IS out of the region.

Mattis also recently made a trip to Iraq to refine the plan ordered by Trump while General Joseph L. Votel, the head of US Central Command told the Wall Street Journal that more American troops would be needed to take Raqqa from IS.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has objected to US troops working with Kurdish troops to capture the city.

At the moment, the Raqqa plan has been suspended, but it may be reinstated once the 30-day review is completed, which would not bode well for US-Turkey relations.

During his trip, McCain met with Erdogan in Turkey’s capital to discuss the situation in Syria and current US-Turkey relations.

The change of administration in the United States presents an important opportunity to review and reassess current policy in Syria,” McCain said in a statement released Monday.

In his statement, McCain says that he has discussed proposals to combat Islamic State with Erdogan, including establishing safe zones in Syria and strategies for driving IS out of Raqqa.


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